Our mission is to support web developers in their technical progress.
Original challenges and educational corrections to discover new concepts and progress. PHP, javascript and Python.
If you want to improve your skills in a programming language, one of the best ways to do it is to take our latest programming challenges to practice and progress.
A great way to improve your skills when learning to code is to solve coding challenges. Each answer key provides a step-by-step solution to help you learn new concepts.
Designed to facilitate the discovery of coding classics as well as new concepts, reading the latest articles will give you theoretical knowledge before moving on to practice.
Tainix is a free and fun online computer programming learning platform. We provide you with computer programming challenges in PHP , Javascript and Python , at different levels of difficulty.
Our goal is to guide you in your progress, and to teach you how to code with ease. This is why our challenges are accompanied by corrections and technical articles to ensure content adapted to each level.
Programming Challenges, technical articles, educational content… discover our complete catalog of resources to learn to code at your own pace.
Progress step by step and develop your computer programming skills thanks to our many online resources that will help you learn to code for free.
Coding, progressing ;)