Visual illustration of the code challenge: Cours Forrest, Cours !

Cours Forrest, Cours !

Forrest Gump part courir ! Plusieurs personnes le rejoignent dans cette course qui semble sans fin…

Coding in the sandbox You must be logged in to access the sandbox.


Sur un coup de tête, Forrest part courir ! Pendant sa course, plusieurs autres coureurs vont le rejoindre et courir à ses côtés.

Tu dois trouver combien de kilomètres vont parcourir Forrest et tous ses acolytes !


Pour cela, tu vas avoir 2 groupes d’informations :

  • kms : Les bornes kilométriques aux quelles 1 ou plusieurs coureurs rejoignent Forrest
  • runners : Le nombre de coureurs qui le rejoignent à cette borne kilométrique

Comme d’habitude, les informations vont de paire.

Enfin, la dernière information stop indique le km auquel Forrest s’arrête, et avec lui, tous les coureurs.

Tu dois donc déterminer la somme de kilomètres parcourus par les coureurs ET par Forrest.

Solve the challenge

To code this challenge, several possibilities:
- Want to start coding right away? Use the online Sandbox.
- Want to work in your favorite editor? Organize your code well, test, check out our API documentation.
- You can also copy/paste a dataset below.

challenge code for resolution via API: FORREST_1

Some resources to help you:
Data and algorithmic logic Methodologies Corrections

Support for resolution

Progress through challenges using our resolution aids: tools, techniques and advice to help you overcome the most complex programming challenges with methodology, confidence and creativity.

Dataset and algorithmic logic

Based on the data and the expected response, use the process to determine the logic to implement.

Show data and progress


Develop a structured approach with our solving guides. Work on specific concepts such as object-oriented programming or unit testing to improve your coding style and progress.

No methodology yet for this challenge, but we are working on it! Follow us to be informed of the release!


The corrections allow you to discover certain technical concepts but will also give you a solution to the challenge. Code the challenge yourself before consulting the corrections ;)

No answer yet for this challenge, but we&'re working on it! Follow us to be informed of the release!

Programming concept(s) that can be used to solve this challenge: Tableaux

Keep coding

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